
Big Apple Chapel is a New Testament based church in New York City, modeled after the pattern of the early church, with a strong emphasis on following Christ as a community of His disciples.

  • Sunday - 10:30 am
  • 520 8th Ave, 16th floor
    New York, NY
  • phone: +1 (973) 837-1041

Discovering your design…the great niche hunt

Discovering Your Design…The Great Niche Hunt

David Frahm with Paula Rinehart @ Navpress
Take a mental snapshot of yourself doing something you really enjoyed at each stage of your life: 7yrs; jr hi; hi; college; summers; each job. Then answer the following about each.

ACTION SHOT (each decade)     Story Line:

  1. How did you get started in this?
  2. What were the specifics of what you actually did?
  3. What aspects of this activity gave you the greatest sense of personal accomplishment and reward?
  4. What would have made this activity even more rewarding for you?
  5. Why did you leave or stop doing it?

Put a check mark by each item that reflected in your snapshots.


I. Preferred Style of Processing Information

A. Perception (gaining awareness): Interacting/discussing; Observing/listening; Doing/trying; Fact finding/data collecting; Imagining/ envisioning; Other. .

B. Judgment (drawing conclusions): Analyzing; Evaluating; Interpreting


II.  Style of Problem Solving

A. Originality and Invention (introducing the new different or unique into being) Inventing; creating; originating; designing; coining; conceiving; authoring; innovation; giving birth to a new idea; being resourceful

B. Development and Extension (improving upon what exists) adapting a refining; making better; improving upon; advancing, perfecting, honing; modifying; correcting, changing, clarifying; sharpening; enhancing, remodeling, overhauling; strengthening; adjusting  

C. Reproduction and Maintenance (implementing past proven solutions) standardizing; troubleshooting; conforming, duplicating, maintaining continuity, sustaining sameness, perpetuating uniformity, following set patterns and procedures


III.  Style of Providing Structure:

Budgeting; Building; Categorizing; Collecting; Detailing; Diagramming; Goal-setting; Integrating; Master-planning; Packaging; Proceduralizing; Programming; Synthesizing; Other...


IV.  Style of People Influencing

A.  Function: Director-manager; Coordinator-facilitator; Promoter-advocate; Frontrunner-pacesetter; Teacher-coach; Counselor-consultant; Craftsman-specialist


B.  Form: Verbal; Written; Visual; Environmental


V.  Preferred Elements: 

The world of: animals; data; equipment; human behavior; the human body; logistics; machines (industrial/office); manmade materials; math; money; natural resources; plants; people; sound; thought; vehicles; visuals; words.


VI.  Preferred Environments

A. Preferred Supervision: None; Sponsorship; Delegation; Directive


B. Preferred Teamwork: Group effort; Individualized effort in a group context; Independent effort.

C. Preferred Conditions: academic, aesthetic, cause, challenge, competition, conformity, conservatism, creativity, deficiency, discipline, efficiency, flexibility, orderly, physical, practical, predictability, precision, pressure, repetition, risk, rules, spontaneity, travel, other...


VII. Preferred Ends

A.  Preferred Results: Making things; Meeting needs; Moving people


B.  Preferred Rewards:


1. Intrinsic: being creative, being unique-different, gaining mastery-expertise, producing quality-excellence, winning-beating the competition, overcoming obstacles-challenges, reaching goals-accomplishing objectives, learning new things, keeping things organized-under control, fulfilling requirements, making progress, acquiring what's needed, communicating, being self-expressive, excelling-being the best maximizing potential, solving problems-making things work, making an impact, other...
2. Extrinsic: money, recognition, respect, reputation, opportunity, inclusion, response, responsibility, authority, freedom, justice, other...


The items with the most checkmarks are the ones most important in a job you’ll love. Seven checkmarks for seven photos = must be in job situation.