
Big Apple Chapel is a New Testament based church in New York City, modeled after the pattern of the early church, with a strong emphasis on following Christ as a community of His disciples.

  • Sunday - 10:30 am
  • 520 8th Ave, 16th floor
    New York, NY
  • phone: +1 (973) 837-1041


BAC Sermons

A Faithful Saint is Hard to Find




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A Faithful Saint is Hard to Find

(c) 2018 WF Cobb Truthbase.net  DailyTruthbase.blogspot

I A Saint Is Holy

Separate (Belief, Know,V-F, Do)

Always acts in Love

Indwelt by HS (and it shows)

Not limited

Truths it in love 

II. What do you believe about Jesus? Historical figure, Sin-bearer, Savior, Coming King & Judge, Lord God? How do you Respond?

Lead me, leave me, or launch me wherever He wants (let's go...sent out disciples...don't go)  Pr 3:5-6 Trust in ;the LORD ack/submit

Order my every step, thought, value, desire and feeling;  Lk 9:23-26 desire to follow...deny self 

Remove or add anything to my life, Rearrange the furniture, Reverse my expectations & experience Lk 22:42 not my will, but Yours

Demand the difficult, even my death (but more commonly my life) Rm 12:1-2; Rev 2:10 faithful to death

III. Faithfulness is a consistent sacrificial loyalty with obvious results: NIDNTT 2:594 dependability of those bound thru an agreement; conduct that honored a bond; Stoics: man's fidelity to his moral destiny leads to fidelity toward others; Mystery: abandonment to the deity by following his instruction/teaching, and by putting oneself under his protection; "Besides Judaism and Christianity, the mystery religions stand out in their demand of faith in their divinities, and the revelations and teachings delivered by them. In this way salvation, (which in the mystery religions was equated with divinization) was promised to the believer."; All had the same demand "Believe if you would be saved, or begone" Origen, (Contra Cels,6,11); Qumran: "God will save them from the house of judgment on account of their suffering and their faithfulness to the teacher of righteousness. The doing of the law is the supreme and decisive idea. Faithfulness to the teacher, on the other hand, means holding to the knowledge revealed to him."; The revelation of eschatological truth was at the same time the requital of obedience and disobedience. "For assuredly he who believes will receive reward." (Syr. Bar. 54:16) 

IV. Faithfulness develops from a conviction that:

1. Jesus is who He said He is and will do what He said He'll do  Heb 11:6

2. He has saved my life and I owe it all to Him  1Cor 6:20 bought...glorify with body and spirit which are God's

3. There is no better "system or approach" to enjoying this life and the next Rm 12:1-2 perfect will

4. I have a responsibility to His:  Lk 10:27 (not) ashamed   Person (reputation, loyalty, time) Precepts (specific), 

Principles (general-what would Jesus do or want me to do), Power (not trusting in anything else), Perspective (Vision)

V. Faithfulness is enhanced by: 1. The experience of God's protection and power toward me Ps 116:12 all His benefits towards me

2. Enjoyment of abandoning myself to Him and finding Him faithful  Ps 9:10 know...trust...never abandoned/forsaken

3. Exhortation Heb 3:12 Take heed...evil heart of unfaithfulness, in departing from the living God. 13 But exhort one another

4. Stewardship: 1Cor 4:2 Time, Money, Strength, Talent, Truth, Experience, Education, Entrusted/Self, Liberty, Opportunities,

VI. Faithfulness diminishes/decreases due to: 1. Satan and immersion in his world system 1Jn 2:16 all that is in the world

2. Forgetfulness/ingratitude Ps 103:2 Forget not His benefits; 106:13 they soon forgot His works

3. Pride - we think we know better than God or can do a better job of managing our lives than God can  Ps 14:1 fool says no God

4. Sin/Rebellion - breaks fellowship, begets shame, builds independence Gen 3:9 Adam, where are you?

VII. In order to be faithful I must: 

Fix my heart (mind, values, will, emotions) to Follow regardless of the cost  Isa 50:7 face like flint; Phil 2:8 obedient to death

Abandon and Avoid anything or anyone that will hold me back or trip me up  Lk 9

Inquire into Jesus' expectations and desires for me in all things  Mk 8:38 ashamed of Me

Trust that if I do my part, He'll do His part in providing all that I need to do His will  2Cor 9:8 grace...all sufficiency...abound

Help others along the way as I seek their help and encouragement  Eph 4; Phil 2; 2Tim 2:2

Fulfill all His commands and expectations for me  Mt 25 Parable of the Talents

Unabashedly brag about how good my Lord is  Lk 10:27 (not) ashamed

Look to the future payoff Pr 28:20 faithful abound with blessings...1Sm 26:23 LORD render...righteousness and his faithfulness... 

Mt 24:45 Who then is a faithful and wise servant...46 Blessed is that servant, whom his lord when he comes shall find so doing.

Mt 25:21 Well done, good & faithful servant...faithful over few things...ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord. 

Loss of reward Heb 3:19 So we see that they could not enter in because of unfaithfulness. 

Defilement Titus 1:15...but to them that are defiled and unfaithful nothing is pure; but even their mind and conscience is defiled.

Mt 16:26 what profit to a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul?

Questions for Reflection/Discussion/Response:

1. What has God entrusted to you,, and why? How does he expect you to use it for His glory, the benefit of others, and your sainthood?

2. Why is being faithful difficult? What helps you be faithful? When and how are you tempted to use what God's entrusted to you for yourself?

3. How does fitfulness require submission to God's value system? What to do if we don't see the benefit of embracing God's values? 

4. How can you grow in faithfulness? Where start? What do you have to lose/gain? Will you hear: Well done good and faithful servant?