
Big Apple Chapel is a New Testament based church in New York City, modeled after the pattern of the early church, with a strong emphasis on following Christ as a community of His disciples.

  • Sunday - 10:30 am
  • 520 8th Ave, 16th floor
    New York, NY
  • phone: +1 (973) 837-1041

Purpose and objectives worksheet

Purpose and Objectives Worksheet (bad/better/best)


Bad:  To exist for the next 24 hours in a relatively healthy/comfortable state
To die with the most toys
To find security and significance outside of God
To be happy (by gratifying my desires in any way I can)

Better: To get to heaven and glorify God
To invest my life in the things that will outlast it
To know, love, and serve God
To increase God's reputation in the eyes of others as they experience Christ at work in and through my life
To reap maximum blessing through maximum obedience



How? MY LIFE PLAN...To Bring Glory To God & Love Others

Bad: To maximize my potential; To turn every situation to my advantage
To experience everything under the sun (Go for the gusto)
To leave the world a better place than I found it
To be a nice person so others will like me
To be the best (or at least better than someone else)
To fully live every moment as if it were my last

Better: To love God with all my heart, mind, soul and strength & my neighbor as myself
To influence the world around me for Jesus Christ by being His disciple
To grow in Christlikeness and help others do the same (disciplemaking)




Bad: To meet my needs and satisfy my desires for power, pleasure, & possessions
To make as much money as I can without going to jail
To help the economy by obtaining the means to be a good consumer
To find security, significance, self-worth, and pleasure outside of my relationship with God

Better: To do my work heartily as unto the Lord knowing He'll reward me
To find a job I can love which gives me time and money to pursue my life plan
To fund my life purpose and plan by profitably serving the needs of others
To utilize the unique abilities God's given me to expand my sphere of influence (improve my value to God and others) and capacity for service



Bad: To get my needs for ___________ met through others (stimulation, fun, security, fulfillment, companionship, etc.)
To never be hurt or vulnerable and to be accepted and supported unconditionally
To please others so they'll like me

Better: To develop intimate, transparent, and accountable relationships which stimulate Christlikeness




Bad: To prove how good I am or can be
To be interesting or admired by others
To be the best I can be, so I'll like myself or be secure

Better: To maximize my time by increasing my skill level in living
To progressively increase my usefulness to my Master
To insure that mv time and life aren't squandered on the mundane
To grow in wisdom and stature and favor with God and man like Jesus did
To broaden my ability to relate and minister to others by systematizing, sharpening, and stretching myself




Bad: To be ever learning and never applying the Truth
To get some of the benefits of Christianity without forsaking any of the world's
To clean up the externals without changing the internals of my life (be comfortable)

Better: To master the Word and be mastered by it
To be transformed into the likeness of Christ
To know Christ and make Him known




Bad: To pay back God for my salvation
To increase my feelings of self-worth based on what I do
To please and be accepted by my peer group
To win the world for Christ and bring in the Kingdom without the King

Better: To work out my faithfulness in obeying the commands of Christ
To love others as God has loved me, desiring their best
To enable others to live their lives so they'll be maximally blessed
To hear the words "Well done, my good and faithful servant!"