What to Expect at Big Apple Chapel
We're excited that you're interested in worshipping God with us at BAC. The essence of worship is our worthy response to God's Revelation of Himself. Here's a little preview of what we do when we gather:
Our purpose is to bring glory to God by following the Lord Jesus' great commission to make reproductive disciples. In the process of making disciples we encourage one another to love God using everything He's given them, and others as themselves. (See Hallmarks of a Biblical Church on Truthbase.net). Since He created us for His glory, and then gave us some pretty explicit instructions about what He wants us to do, then if we do what He commands, we should give Him the glory He desires. As Jesus said: “I have brought you glory on earth by doing the work you have given Me to do” - John 17.
On Sundays we gather around 10:30am to greet each other. Most folks dress casually, so wear whatever makes you feel comfortable. We won't do anything to make you feel uncomfortable (except maybe welcome you). At 10:45am we start our time of Exalting God in the eyes of others by thanking Him for answering our prayers and praising Him for revealing Himself to be the God who blesses His people. We'll sing our praises, and there will be time to proclaim to others (in 90 seconds or less) what God has done for you in answering your prayers or blessing you. Just like in the Psalms, God will be seen as great in the eyes of those who hear, and be encouraged to trust Him more. Don't feel obligated to say anything, but you are welcome to do so. We'll pass around bread and wine (drink or dip with a clear conscience) in rememberance of our Lord celebrating Passover with His disciple (See The Lord's Supper and Passover on Truthbase.net). We'll close in corporate prayer before our Education/Teaching time.
Our Education time is designed to equip believers to do their job of Learning the Truth, Living the Truth, and Loving others with the Truth to build up the Body of Christ (Ephesians 4). It's interactive, with pauses for questions and clarification, and questions for discussion and response at the end. Since God usually reveals His will so we can do it, it's probably wise to be thinking about how God would want you to respond to His revelation (essence of worship). Video recordings of the sermons and the outline are posted on Truthbase.net, so you can review the confusing parts :)
Please feel free to join us for lunch (12:30pm, our treat, but it would be nice to let us know you'll be joining us). Fellowship means to share or have in common, so folks usually take an interest in what is going in each other's lives. Lunch is a good time to do that.
After lunch 1:30-2:15pm we break into small groups for our Edification time, in which (in obedience to 1 Corinthians 14) we share what might be used by God to build up or edify others. Usually people share a thought from their quiet time or something that God is teaching them, or what they've read or seen which illustrates biblical truth. We'll conclude by sharing prayer requests and praying for each other.
During the week we gather in small groups for fun, and Bible Study. We encourage everyone to first study the 7 PASSAGES every believer ought to know well enough to pass on to others (which are the core of Disciplemaking; see 2 Timothy 2:2 and DailyTruthbase). With the 7 PASSAGES under your hat, you're welcome to join a book study to Study the Bible like Sherlock 'Olmes and trace an author's argument through the book, understanding what God wanted the original audience to do, and then figure out how the Holy Spirit would want us to respond today.
We again invite you to join us in the sublime adventure following Christ through all of our days.
Interested in attending or getting more information? Our regular schedule is to meet on Sundays at 10:30am in Hoboken, NJ. Call or text 646-784-6954 for location details.