
Big Apple Chapel is a New Testament based church in New York City, modeled after the pattern of the early church, with a strong emphasis on following Christ as a community of His disciples.

  • Sunday - 10:30 am
  • 520 8th Ave, 16th floor
    New York, NY
  • phone: +1 (973) 837-1041

Doctrinal Review

Schedule of Bible Studies-Doctrinal Review

The purpose of this next year's series of Bible Studies is to better equip believers to articulate and practice what God has revealed about Himself and His plans, and us and our relationship with Him.


A by-product of the studies is that we will develop a doctrinal statement and by-laws which every member will be able to trace to their roots in Scripture.


At the end of next year, if people have put in the necessary effort, each member of the church should be in a position to develop a discipling relationship with a new believer by studying with them the twelve topics, (covering content, methodology, and practical application).


Proposed Methodology:


1. The members will be introduced to the 12 topics we'll be studying, and asked to indicate: a) the specific issues under each topic they would like to see discussed; and b) the more general issues that they think members of our church should have a basic competency in explaining.


2. BC will prepare a study guide to the topics, framing some of the issues, highlighting the key verses, including resource material, and (hopefully) making each individual member's study time most productive.


3.  Members will be encouraged to set aside one evening (three hours) a week to work their way through the topics.


4. We'll meet twice a month to discuss our findings: first as a small study group and then two weeks later as a larger group. The purpose of the first meeting is to raise the issues over which we might differ, and the second, to resolve them (Lord willing!). [Of course this presupposes some honest investigation and study in the intervening period.]


5. It would be appropriate to invite an unbeliever or an un-churched believer to the studies if they are interested in what the Bible has to say about one of the topics and are willing to invest some time in preparing for the discussion. Hopefully the non-member would develop an interest in meeting with the member who invited them to further discuss the topic.


6. On the fourth Sunday of each month BC will preach on the topic, drawing conclusions and highlighting our applicational response to the truth.


7. In the month after the church studies a particular topic the Board will decide on any revision or rewording of our church's position on a topic to bring it more closely in line with our common understanding of the Scripture.


On the following Schedule of Topics: Please list what questions you would specifically like to see us address/understand about a topic. If you have no questions, then list what you think others should know to accurately respond to our Lord. (Use the back or extra paper if necessary.)


I. Bibliology: "What the Scripture says about itself"


II. Theology Proper: "What God is like and how He has revealed Himself"


III. Anthropology: "What the Bible says man is like"


IV. Christology: "The person and works of Jesus Christ"


V. Harmatiology: "The nature, causes and effects of sin"


VI. Soteriology-Justification: "How God provides forgiveness & redemption"


VII. Pneumatology: "The person and work of the Holy Spirit"


VIII. Soteri.-Sanctification: "What God expects of us & how we become holy"


IX. Ecclesiology: "What the church is and how it's supposed to work"


X. Eschatology: "What God has revealed about the future and end times"


XI. Soteriology-Glorification: "Ministry, motivation and rewards"


XII. Angeology: "Ministering Angels, Satan and Demons and their influence"