Everything you need to know about LEADERSHIP, but didn’t know you needed
2002 WF Cobb
Whenever you see a group of people, from castaways to a corporation to a church, succeed in achieving worthy goals, you’ll see skillful leadership at work. Leadership isn’t about secrets and natural style, but about knowledge and skill, which can be learned and developed. The PCCC Leadership Curriculum Core Courses are designed to equip leaders to anticipate leadership challenges and take appropriate action in leading their organizations toward their goals. These five courses will give both seasoned and inexperienced leaders the tools necessary to build individuals into a motivated and winning unit, be it a tribe, team or troubled organization.
The instruction is designed to help you understand and apply the concepts in your personal environment, so you can enrich not just yourself and your organization, but the class as you share and evaluate what you’ve learned.
Course ONE: Organizational Leadership
I. Planning
Starts with evaluation, that results in an achievable vision, which becomes owned by motivated individuals, as they embrace their part in the plan.
A. Content: Leadership Tasks Overview; Authority & Influence; Purpose/Mission/Vision Statements; Objectives; Goals; Project Planner; Corporate change cycle; Top Time wasters/savers; Initial Evaluation Criteria
B. Objectives: Participants will write an organizational mission statement and identify their top priority needs for accomplishing it
II. Organization/Staffing
Wise recruiting, training, and empowering result in motivated workers who own the plan and achieve the vision
A. Content: Developing programs/strategies to meet goals; SMART goals; Recruiting, Training and Motivating Volunteers; Personality Types
B. Objectives: Participants will identify and assess their own Personality types; Develop two SMART goals.
III. Supervision/Direction
The skillful leader knows how to match the management style to the situation so folks will pay the cost.
A. Content: Teambuilding; Communication; Listening Skills; One Minute Manager techniques; Individual Change Process
B. Objectives: take steps toward building a team, evaluate their communication style; practice one minute goals, praise and reprimand
IV. Evaluation/Control
Going nowhere and repeating mistakes at an increasing rate of activity is a sure sign of lost leadership. To reach your destination you must first know where you are on the map. Insightful evaluation, defining need is the key to effective leadership.
A. Content: Accountability; Review Process; Goal Autopsy-Setting New goals; Barriers to Change
B. Objectives: Participants will develop their evaluative criteria, identify their greatest needs
Course TWO: Personal Leadership Development
The ability to lead others in reaching both their personal goals and the highest common good is rooted in the discipline of first leading yourself. This course will actually change your life and the lives you touch by motivating you to develop the habit of living purposefully and proactively. It will also challenge you to work smarter and harder, so you can have more time for what’s really important.
I. Servant Leadership and Personal Greatness: Greatness is measured by service
A. Content: Dream development, Personal Mission statement; Initial Assessment; Top Time wasters/savers
B. Objectives: Participants will write out a personal mission statement; determine their top priorities; develop & critique two SMART goals
II. Time and Life Management: How to get where you want to go faster and easier, maximizing impact by maximizing your time
A. Content: Priorities; Purposeful living; Goal Accomplishment; Secrets of Success
B. Objectives: Participants will order a written schedule around their priorities, and recruit two change agents to help them achieve` their goals
III. Lifelong Personal Development: You have to grow to produce fruit
A. Content: Leadership Character; the need for change; Self-image and Habits; Reprogramming our robots
B. Objectives: Participants will identify one change/challenge area, and map out a strategy and support mechanism for personal change
IV. Spheres of Leadership: Work, Family, Community: You enrich yourself by enriching those around you
A. Content: Worthy goals; Using your uniqueness: build on strengths-minimize weakness; Impacting others
B. Objectives: Participants will develop strategies for achieving their goals in two spheres of influence.
Course THREE: Mentoring the Next Generation of Leaders
The real measure of a leader is who they’ve left behind, their legacy. One builds organizations by building members, particularly the next generation. True leaders empower other leaders, not just amass followers. However, what worked for you doesn’t always work for others. This course will help you develop and succeed in one of the most satisfying aspects of leadership: influencing people who go on to influence others.
I. Mentoring Relationships and Accountability
A. Content: Leadership Potential and Traits; Listening skills; Individual Change process; Reprogramming our robots/self image
B. Objectives: Participants identify objectives and enter into a mentoring/accountability relationship(s)
II. Empowering Others
A. Content: Building Unshakeable Self-worth; Identifying needs, Motivation and Empowering others; Climate and Coaching
B. Objectives: Participants will surface and serve two needs in another’s life
III. The Work/Money Thing
A. Content: Work and Career Guidance; Finances and Budgets; Finding a job you can love
B. Objectives: Participants will discover their own design and help someone else do the same; ditto for budget
IV. That People Thing
A. Content: Webs of Relationships: Social, Peers, Authority; Reproducing leaders; Personality types revisited; Questions to ask
B. Objectives: Participants will develop and begin to implement a relationship strategy for two people in their lives
Course FOUR: Dynamics of Team Leadership
Humanity’s greatest achievements have been team efforts, however there are times when teams aren’t the appropriate vehicle. This course will help you know when to use teams and how to do it with the greatest return on investment and personal satisfaction. You will learn to build a winning team on the four pillars of effective teamwork, both in class and in your personal organization, and/or home.
I. Target
If you aim at nothing you’re sure to hit it.
A. Content: Target setting, Educate, Recruiting/Organizing a team; Board of Directors; Authority, Ownership
B. Objectives: Participants will build “Test Teams” one within the class and another in their personal environment for targeted objectives and work towards reaching that objective throughout the course.
II. Expectations
Clarifying and getting “buy-in” on the target makes hitting it a pleasure
A. Content: Generating and Sustaining Commonality of Purpose; Meaningful meeting management; small group facilitation
B. Objectives: Participants will apply principles and solve problems in their “test teams”, and participate in a mock board meeting
III. Accountability
Since people do what’s inspected rather than expected, the leader must know how to secure commitment
A. Affirmation, Empowering team members; Resolving Conflicts; Team Functions and Techniques
B. Objectives: Participants will apply principles and solve problems in their “test teams”,
IV. Morale
Self-motivated teams have a contagious morale and momentum that enable the group to accomplish more than the sum of the individuals working on their own.
A. Content: Building a winning attitude and maintaining high morale
B. Objectives: Participants will evaluate the successes of their “Test Teams” and share lessons learned.
Course FIVE: Leadership Communication
Leaders must be conscious communicators, tailoring their message to the needs and desires of their audience in a variety of settings. This course will expose you to the building blocks of communication and give you practice in applying them. You’ll be sensitized to communication that works and bombs, and get practice and feedback in becoming more effective interpersonal and public communicator.
I. Written Communication “Writing makes an exact man”
A. Content: Objectives and logic, components of communication; Attention, Interest (feature/benefit), Need, Solution, Action; making presentations; letters, announcements; grant proposals
B. Objectives: Participants will develop and deliver a piece of persuasive communication, request, or love letter with class feedback
II. Public Speaking (selling, teaching, preaching)
Hot air, properly channeled can do more good than harm
A. Content: Components, Evaluation Form, Style, Critiquing and Feedback
B. Objectives: Participants will develop, perform, and evaluate samples of oral communication on the basis of agreed upon criteria
III. Persuading and Negotiating (interpersonal and public)
Motivating others to change is the foundation of progress
A. Content: Getting to yes, Principled negotiation, debating for dummies
B. Objectives: Participants will prepare both sides of a debate and argue a position in class
IV. Conflict Resolution/Counseling
Nations and individuals don’t always see things the same way, but building unity on an issue is essential for continued progress
A. Content: Sources and solutions of conflict, style, objectives, referrals
B. Objectives: Participants will prepare and present a case study, and participate in a resolution
All courses require both preparation and participation for maximum benefit. All assignments are due at the beginning of each class.
Courses taken for credit require specified reading, and a research project and/or exam.
60% Every project completed and submitted on time (15% each see grading sheet for criteria)
20% helpful class participation (5%/class)
10% reading report (2 books)
10% peer review