
Big Apple Chapel is a New Testament based church in New York City, modeled after the pattern of the early church, with a strong emphasis on following Christ as a community of His disciples.

  • Sunday - 10:30 am
  • 520 8th Ave, 16th floor
    New York, NY
  • phone: +1 (973) 837-1041


BAC Sermons

Repentance is a Change of Mind

2005-06-26 Mark 6:12-13

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12 So they went out and preached that people should repent.

13  And they cast out many demons, and anointed with oil many who were sick, and healed them.


I. The Good News is that God is coming to fulfill His OT promises to Rule and Reward

Mr 1:15  and saying, "The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand. Repent, and believe in the gospel."


A. The Good News of Jesus, John and the Disciples is directly from Isaiah 40

Isa 40:3 The voice of one crying in the wilderness: Prepare the way of the LORD; Make straight in the desert A highway for our God 10  Behold, the Lord GOD shall come with a strong hand, And His arm shall rule for Him; Behold, His reward is with Him, And His work before Him.


B. The issue with Jesus’ audience was not getting their sins forgiven (justification), but sanctification and glorification (Sermon on Mt.)

Le 4:20,26,31,35;5:10,13,16,18;6:7;19:22 priest shall make atonement for him…And the sin which he has committed shall be forgiven him Cf 16:16

Nu 14:19 Pardon the iniquity of this people, according to the greatness of Your mercy, just as You have forgiven this people, from Egypt until now.


C. Salvation reverses the effects of the Fall regaining relationship (Rm 3), progressive holiness (Rm 6&12), & glory (1Pt 1, Rm 2)


II. In Response to God’s Revelation (Worship), we need to change our thinking about what God’s revealed.

Repentance (meta+noeo/mind-perception) requires a change of thinking (perceptual filters), valuing/feeling, and actions (in that order)

We change our values when we recognize/experience the need-meeting benefits of better values, and the pain of bad/temporal values.


A. Jesus is: not the Babe in the manger, criminal on a cross, BUT Resurrected Savior and Lord, and future coming King of Kings. Ac 2:36


B. Our sin is: not something we balance out by being a good person or doing good works, BUT a fatal condition cured by trusting God’s grace. Dt 10:13

Sin doesn’t satisfy; it’s bad for us; breaks our fellowship with God & others; Bondage to demons, resultant illness and dysfunctionality

 1Jn 1:7 if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin.


C. This world is: not all there is, BUT there’s the promised new world coming in which the King of Kings will reward righteous Rev 22:12

Luk 3: 8  "Therefore bear fruits worthy of repentance…3:10  So the people asked him, "What shall we do then?" 11 two tunics, let him give to him who has none; and he who has food, let him do likewise. 13…Collect no more than what is appointed for you. 14…do not intimidate…accuse falsely…be content with your wages." (cf Mt 5-6 requirements for getting blessed in the kingdom)


D. Our purpose is: not to be happy and comfortable living for temporal power (security/significance), pleasure and possessions…


Nor to live as forgiven worms, BUT to use God’s enabling grace to live victoriously over tendencies, circumstances, and opposition…


Authenticating the Truth, living for: the glory of God, the benefit of others, and our eternal reward. 1Cor 3:14-15 2Cor 5:9-10 Phil 3:14-15

1Tim 4:7  I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. 8  Finally, there is laid up for me a crown of righteous-ness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing.

III. Changing is difficult because:

A. Satan wants to keep us bound to unsatisfying sin, ignorantly in the dark, out of relationship with God, and useless to the Master. Eph 2:2-3


B. We pridefully think we know best and refuse to humbly acknowledge we’re wrong and God is right (haven’t felt enough pain). Js 1:21


C. We get our worth and value (and sense of security) form what we are and do rather than from pleasing our Creator God. Jn 12:43


D. We’re afraid of the unknown because we don’t know and trust the infinitely good God of the Universe as He’s revealed Himself. Nah 1:7


E. We’ve developed ingrained habit patterns and emotional dependencies, that physiologically chain us to bad behavior patterns. 2Cor 5:17


Questions for Reflection/Discussion/Response:

1. In what areas of our lives do we have the most difficulty changing? Why is it hard? What makes it easier? (Gal 6:

2. How have you changed your views on: God, the Scripture, the purpose of life, sin? Do you envision further change? What will cause it?

3. What role do others play in authenticating/modeling Truth to help the change process? What if everyone is a hypocrite?

4. To which of the difficulties in III (above) are you most susceptible? What would help you gain the motivation to change?

5. What areas of your thinking need to be brought into greater conformity to God’s Revelation? How can you “repent”?