Prayers of Thanksgiving
Prayers of Adoration & Praise
Prayers for Renewal
Correct Thinking
Correct Attitudes/Feelings
Correct Actions
Prayers of Affirmation
Victory over the World
Victory over the Flesh
Victory over the Devil
Prayers for Personal Needs/Priorities
Prayers for Others
SUNDAY Seek after God Self:Growth in Christ My local Church Those who lead Others who serve Purpose/Plans Other Churches/Ministries Educational Institutions
MONDAY My Mate My Ministry Evangelism Friends / Family Members Neighbors / Associates Others
TUESDAY Thanksgiving Things Relationships Faithfulness as a steward with my things with my time with my treasure
| WEDNESDAY The World Workers in the cause of Christ Foreign Missions Local Missions The Great Commission
THURSDAY Those who believe Personal Friends Those who've helped me grow Those I'm helping to grow Those in my Church Those in other churches Those who are oppressed
FRIDAY Family Relatives Friends
SATURDAY Salvation of Those in Institutions Salvation of Those in bondage Government Local / State Federal / World