
Big Apple Chapel is a New Testament based church in New York City, modeled after the pattern of the early church, with a strong emphasis on following Christ as a community of His disciples.

  • Sunday - 10:30 am
  • 520 8th Ave, 16th floor
    New York, NY
  • phone: +1 (973) 837-1041

Life management tasks and objectives

Life Management Tasks and Objectives

Why are you at this TOYL seminar?

What do you hope to gain or accomplish by the end of this seminar?

At the end of the first six hours you will:

  1. Be able to differentiate: purpose, objectives, and goals
  2. Be able to define Wisdom, Folly, Fear of the Lord
  3. Have written out your purpose for living, and the general direction in which you need to head in order to fulfill that purpose. (Purpose & Objectives)
  4. Have written out the steps you need to take ensure that you're obeying the two greatest commands. (Life Plan)
  5. Have examined some common but incorrect objectives, and be able to write out your personal objectives (in the areas of work/career, personal relationships, personal growth, spiritual growth, ministry) that mark out the path you need to take to fulfill your purpose. (Bad/Better/Best)
  6. Listed some short range and long range goals/activities that will support or help you reach your objectives. (Purpose & Objectives)
  7. Have surfaced your top desires and isolated the one on which you wish to take action this year. (Do This First)
  8. Have identified your top needs in each Area and taken the 1st step toward meeting each
  9. Have received the tools necessary to do your Work As Worship, heartily as unto the Lord, in faith, and in accord with the way God has created and developed you. (Work as Worship; Work Worksheet and Evaluation; Discovering your Design; Great Niche Hunt)
  10. Have seen the Biblical approach to relationships and friendships and been exposed to the skill set and steps necessary to develop relationships which will help you achieve your goals. (What a Friend We Have in Jesus; Accountability)
  11. Have been exposed to the Biblical basis of a healthy, positive self esteem and learned how to take the first step to develop it in yourself and others. (The Magic Jewel of Self-Esteem)
  12. Have been exposed to the Biblical principles of marriage and set a God-glorifying goal for a marriage made in heaven. (Marriage is What You Make It)
  13. Have been exposed to the Biblical purpose of parenting and strategies necessary for achieving it, as well as how to help a child develop the TOYL disciplines. (Proverbial Parent; What to Stress for Success)
  14. Have identified the dominant desires that may be the result of the "Spirit of God being at work in you to produce the willing/desiring and doing of His good pleasure." (Dream Development/Eulogy/Ideal Day)
  15. Have highlighted your top need in each of the five areas in which you will set goals. (Evaluation)
  16. Have learned to determine the Will of God for specific activities in your life. (Will of God)

At the end of the second six hours you will:

  1. Have adopted two of the Top Ten Time Savers and rejected five of the Wasters
  2. Have learned to set Priorities to achieve His will and say "NO" to activities that don't contribute to your goals and objectives. (Classification and Prioritization Sheet)
  3. Have developed at least two SMART (Specific, Measurable, Activating, Realistic, Transforming) Goals to solve a problem or take advantage of an opportunity that contributes to fulfilling your objectives. (Project Planner)
  4. Have learned to identify the real problem or cause behind some of the common causes of inertia or difficulties in the Christian life. (Solution Starters)
  5. Have learned to motivate yourself to achieve a Goal you've been having difficulty accomplishing. (Goal Galvanizer; Goal Time Tracker)
  6. Have learned to use the tools to examine where we've failed in achieving a goal that consistently eludes us. (Goal Autopsy)
  7. Have been exposed to and irritated by the Lies We Believe which keep us from pleasing God and becoming all He wants us to be. (Lies We Believe)
  8. Have discovered the process you go through to pursue sin and learned to apply the same process to pursuing righteousness and achieving your goals. (Artwork)
  9. Have learned and practiced a procedure to be transformed by the renewing of your mind (Organizer, Affirmations, Sanctification Sheet: Dead & Alive)
  10. Have been exposed to the Ultimate Flexible system for keeping track of all your time commitments and tasks (TOYL Organizer)
  11. Have learned to identify and decide between the bad, good, and best uses of your time. (Decision Maker, Organizer)
  12. Have identified your most important goals and determined the consistency between your current efforts and what you want to get out of life. (Ten Minute Life Changer)
  13. Be able to articulate the 80/20 principle and apply it to each goal area of your life.
  14. Have learned to leave tasks undone without anxiety nor guilt. (Organizer)
  15. To develop a maximum of ideas for projects and solutions in a minimum amount of time. (Idea Banks)
  16. To keep track of your progress so that you are not deceived nor discouraged. (Goal Time Tracker)
  17. Learned the basics of ministering to another's needs (People Pages)
  18. Seen the Career path of the Christian life and been motivated to pursue it. (Survey of Discipleship; Biblical Church)
  19. Marked out a plan for gaining the basic competencies of the Christian life (Training Objectives)
  20. Developed a fool-proof methodology for an vibrant and enriching devotional life (Quiet Time Brainstorm, QT Journal)
  21. Been exposed to a guaranteed method of memorizing and reviewing Scripture (Scripture Memory Sheet)
  22. Set monthly, weekly, and daily goals. (Organizer)
  23. Learn how to use an Organizer that prompts you to take steps toward your goals and maintain the disciplines necessary for personal and spiritual growth.