
Big Apple Chapel is a New Testament based church in New York City, modeled after the pattern of the early church, with a strong emphasis on following Christ as a community of His disciples.

  • Sunday - 10:30 am
  • 520 8th Ave, 16th floor
    New York, NY
  • phone: +1 (973) 837-1041

Training objectives and Christian career path

Training Objectives and Christian Career Path

Mark those you're able to help/mentor others in with an "5", those in which you feel competent but not yet reproductive with a "4", those which you're fairly well grounded but still need some more growing with a "3", those with which you are unfamiliar with a "2", and those which you recognize as needs you'd like to meet this year with a "1".


1. Assurance - I am certain that if I died tonight, I would spend eternity in heaven. I can explain why I believe that, and can prove it from the Scriptures. I have publicly thanked God for my salvation, and can relate my Christian testimony to someone in three minutes. I can take someone though the Ephesians 2 presentation of the gospel.


2. Worship - I have a consistent (6/7) devotional time with God: reading His word to better know Him and what He desires for me; responding back to God in prayer; and then recording a key daily thought which I share with someone weekly. Using the Bible, (II Tim 3:16-17; Psalm 5) I can teach someone else how to have a Quiet time. I understand the purpose and nature of corporate worship, and have publicly thanked, praised, and given glory to God.


3. Prayer - I regularly bring my needs and requests before God at the beginning of each day, and throughout the day as the occasion warrants. I keep a prayer list (TOYL) and have shared an answer to prayer with my mentor/accountability partner, and my shepherding group, and the Body. I can take someone though the Matthew 6 pattern for prayer.


4. The Word - I can demonstrate that I'm using all five means of getting the Word of God into my life, (including Bible Study and Scripture Memory), and have shared an insight from the Word with my mentor/accountability partner, and my shepherding group, and the Body. I can take someone though the discipleship materials on the Word, and can list half a dozen benefits of the Word in my life.


5. Lordship - I have made living as an obedient disciple of the Lord Jesus my top priority and have symbolized it by baptism. I have reordered my life purpose, objectives, and weekly schedule to reflect my commitment, and make my decisions in accord with the Will of God. I have sought out an accountability partner to aid me in my quest for holy living. I can take someone though the II Corinthians 5 motive for Lordship.


6.  Body Building - I can articulate the Biblical purpose of the Church. I  have shared with my mentor six specific obediences to the "one another" commands. I have submitted myself to a local body of believers as indicated by signing an agreement of fellowship/membership, and actively participating in a Shepherding group. I can take someone though the Acts 2 pattern for Church.


7. Witnessing - I have shared my faith with an unbeliever to the point where they had a clear option of accepting or rejecting it. I can sketch out a simple explanation of the gospel from memory. I have identified and am cultivating two relationships with non-christians outside my immediate family. I am laboring together with others in a visitation or share group. I can take someone though the John 4 paradigm of evangelism.


8. Discipleship - I have read two of the recommended books on Discipleship have developed a personal philosophy of ministry, shared my plan for becoming a disciplemaker with my shepherd, and am implementing that plan with help from my accountability partner.


9. Speech - I have completed a topical study of the use of the tongue, developed a Biblical Philosophy of Speech, reprogrammed my speech habits, all of which has had a noticeable effect on my conversation.


10. Work & Money - I have completed a topical study on the obtaining and using of money and have developed budgets to guide me in being a good steward of my time as well as my money and strength.


11. Relationships - I have completed a topical study of relationships (dating, husband-wife, parents-children, employer-employee, governmental, church, believer-unbeliever, believer-carnal believer, friendships) and developed and ingrained a set of Biblical principles for relating to others.


12-23. Theology - I have worked through each of the dozen theological studies with another person, developing and making appropriate life applications from each, which I've shared in my Shepherding group. (God: Father, Son, Holy Spirit; Man; Sin; Salvation: Justification, Sanctification, Glorification; Bible; Church; Future Prophecy; Angels and Satan.)


24-28. Topical Studies - I have spent one month on each of five topical Bible studies, satisfying needs and interests from the TOYL evaluation, and shared the results of my study with someone else.


29. Inductive Bible Study - I have studied and developed an exegetical outline for a book of the Bible, using the various study resources. I can trace the author's argument through the book, putting each passage in its intended context, and derive both the original and contemporary applications.


30. Teaching - I have taught/preached in a public setting so that people understood and were motivated to do what God wanted.